News and Events
Showing 181 to 210 of 445 results

High Commissioner reports on civil society engagement with international and regional organizations
A CESR submission regarding limited civil society space at the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development was referenced in a report by the High Commissioner on Human Rights.

Rising inequality is a wake-up call for human rights
Media: Ignacio Saiz writes in Open Global Rights that the challenges economic inequality poses for human rights are not the death knell for the movement but a wake-up call for a more holistic approach.

Latin American countries must reform their fiscal policies to guarantee human rights
Unjust fiscal policy measures adopted by some Latin American countries strip basic social protections from populations, creating rights deficits and sowing unrest.

Latin American national human rights representatives trained in ESCR
CESR’s Mihir Mankad and Sergio Chaparro facilitated a regional training workshop on economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Developing human rights indicators for the SDGs in South Africa
May 4: Allison Corkery presented in Johannesburg on the role of national human rights institutions in developing human rights indicators for the SDGs.

Human Rights in an Age of Austerity: casualty or compass?
Media: Preventing another “lost decade” will require us to see human rights values not as merely collateral damage of economic policy, but as cogent and universal norms actively guiding tough fiscal dilemmas in the public’s interest.

Fiscal Policies and the Safeguarding of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru
Fiscal Policies and the Safeguarding of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Latin America

Is Human Rights Advocacy Off Track?
Media: IHRB blog post by Salil Tripathi in response to Samuel Moyne points out CESR as an organization with a track record of using human rights to campaign for distributional fairness.
Making the link between sustainable development and human rights obligations
March 24: CESR's Kate Donald and Allison Corkery consulted with the UN CESCR to inform a potential General Comment on Sustainable Development.

The SDGs and gender equality: empty promises or beacon of hope?
Media: Kate Donald and Silke Staab's submission to Open Global Rights on the importance of linking the SDGs to human rights to advance gender equality.
A Lost Decade for Equality, Development and Human Rights?
A Lost Decade for Equality, Development and Human Rights? Assessing Austerity and its Alternatives 10 years after the global financial crisis Friday, April 20th | 9-10.30amInternational Monetary Fund HQ2 03B-838B
Egypt's Economy: Turning a Corner or Going in Circles? Civil Society Perspectives
Thursday, April 19th, 2018, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.Bank Information Center (BIC), 10th Floor, 1023 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20005

United Nations urges Spain to end detrimental austerity measures
Press release: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights calls for a more redistributive fiscal system that addresses rising economic and social inequalities
United Nations urges Spain to end detrimental austerity measures
This statement is available in pdf format in EnglishEsta declaración está disponible en formato pdf en español

Assisting Human Rights Council as it assesses rights impacts of austerity
March 1: At UN Human Rights Council, Niko Lusiani supports Guiding Principles for assessing rights impacts of austerity and other economic reform policies.

CESR and Spanish partners brief UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Geneva on a decade of austerity in Spain
Press release: CESR and 35 Spanish organizations denounce government for failing to fulfill obligations guaranteeing economic, social and cultural rights.
Tax Justice Network's U.S. tax reform podcast: The killing of the American Dream
27 February: Niko Lusiani discusses the link between U.S. tax reforms and human rights deprivations on Tax Justice Network's latest podcast.
Human Rights and Agenda 2030: Wilton Park conference assesses challenges and opportunities
15-17 January: Ignacio Saiz presented at the Human Rights and Agenda 2030 event in Wilton Park, discussing the potential for the Sustainable Development Goals to advance human rights.

IACHR calls on states to adopt human rights-based fiscal policies to eradicate poverty
29 January: IACHR report acknowledges links between poverty and human rights in the Americas, referencing CESR-led coalition's briefing on relevance of fiscal policies.

"Human Rights in Times of Austerity" covered in thirty Brazilian publications and websites
Media: New factsheet "Human Rights in Times of Austerity" received coverage from at least thirty Brazilian publications and websites in the past month.

Kathryn Sikkink book cites CESR's call for a "tax policy for human rights"
Media: Human rights expert writes that CESR stands out when citing tax havens as a drain on available resources that could provide adequate economic and social rights.

Methodological choices in human rights research are political, not just technical
Media: The methods human rights researchers and advocates use determine what injustices we see and prioritize, making methodology far more than just a technical choice.
UN special rapporteurs play catalytic role in promoting ESCR
20 December: CESR recently participated in a roundtable discussion concerning the catalytic role the UNHRC special rapporteurs play in promoting ESCR.

Brazil's austerity cap stunting rights to food, health and education
Press release: CESR and partners present new empirical findings on austerity’s severe impact on food security, health and education in Brazil.

U.S. Tax Plan’s Spiraling Consequences for Human Rights and Poverty – At Home and Abroad
Media: CESR's Niko Lusiani writes in FACTCoalition about CESR bringing the human rights costs of the proposed U.S. tax cuts to the attention of leading UN human rights official Philip Alston now investigating poverty in the country.

How Data Is Helping in the Struggle for the Right to Education in South Africa
Media: CESR's Allison Corkery writes in Open Society Foundations Voices blog about using OPERA tool with Legal Resources Centre to identify indicators and analyze data for tracking implementation in South African education rights case.
Ignacio Saiz at UN dialogue discusses aligning SDGs with human rights commitments
28 November: CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz joined UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Philip Alston, at UN dialogue focused on aligning SDGs with existing human rights commitments.
CESR presents on inequality and the SDGs at Beirut CSO workshop
30 November - 1 December: Kate Donald discussed austerity, regressive taxation and tax evasion at workshop with Arab NGO Network for Development and the Issam Fares Institute.

CESR raises concerns about US tax bill before UN human rights and poverty expert visiting the country
6 December: CESR Statement: As U.S. Congress considers drastically altering its tax code, CESR presented human rights costs of proposed cuts to the attention of visiting UN human rights and poverty official.
CESR submission to UN Special Rapporteur warns of proposed U.S. tax plan's ill effects on human rights
CESR submission asserts that pending U.S. tax plan deepens inequalities in the U.S. and beyond.