News and Events
Showing 31 to 60 of 445 results

Statement: the African Group’s push to develop a UN Tax Convention requires global and cross-movement support
Nigeria tabled a draft resolution that could result in a comprehensive new treaty on international tax cooperation by 2025. Here’s why it requires support from all countries and movements.

CESR at the IMF/WB 2023 Annual Meetings in Marrakesh: Pushing for Transformative Financial Reforms
Our participation aimed to spotlight the urgent need for a rights-based approach to global economic governance. Here’s a recap of the key events and discussions we were involved in.

Join us at Next 30: Envisioning the future of ESC rights
Join us in NYC to celebrate 30 years of CESR and look at what's next.

New learning exchanges for community struggles in Asia Pacific
Two recent collaborations between CESR and our allies in Thailand and the Philippines are bringing Decoding Injustice to organizations keen on exploring the impacts of economic policies.

We'd love to hear from you! Share your reflections on our work
Help us better understand how our work between 2020 and 2023 has supported, built on, and complemented others.

A golden opportunity for fiscal justice: CESR welcomes Colombia’s announcement of Latin America’s first global tax summit
We welcome Colombia's announcement of the first ever Ministerial tax summit for the Latin American and Caribbean region.

Amidst multiple crises, we’re bigger than the sum of our parts
An end-of-year message from our Executive Director.

Taking a critical look at the OECD Global Tax Agreement through a human rights lens
CESR participated in a two-day workshop in Tunis on the OECD’s Global Tax Agreement, hosted by the Tunisian Observatory of the Economy and Tax Justice Network Africa.

CESR and partners call for an end to unfair tax exemptions in Argentina
A statement signed by 17 organizations asks Congress to change tax exemptions.

Using Decoding Injustice to map rights priorities across SWANA
Participants from 7 countries were at the skill-sharing sessions led by CESR.

Call to Chile and Colombia to promote a new fiscal pact for Latin America and the Caribbean
In this joint statement, CESR and allies call on the governments of Chile and Colombia to lead the way towards fiscal justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Demystifying 'Debt Justice and Sustainability' through a Rights-Based Economy Lens
CESR met with partners in Kenya to strategize around advancing debt justice around the world.

Join the 2nd Fiscal Justice & Human Rights Week!
Dialogues and workshops on taxes, budgets, and their links to human rights will take place on August 1-8 at the event series co-organized by CESR and allies.

Introducing our new Executive Director
After a thorough search process, our Board has appointed respected human rights lawyer Meghna Abraham as our new ED.

Help us draw the blueprint for a Rights-Based Economy
We're starting a collaboration and learning process, with the aim to gather ideas, critiques, stories and proposals to bring to life the bold and ambitious vision of the Rights-Based Economy.

CESR calls for intersectional climate justice which is rights-aligned and anti-racist
In the submission, we focused on reforms to global economic governance and the link between resource generation and the capacity to respond to climate change and its racially disparate impacts.

United Nations addresses the WTO on vaccines & racism after request from CESR and partners
The UN’s Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism called upon States to use all tools at their disposal to bring an end to vaccine inequity and its racially disparate impacts.

Latin America: CESR course on budgets and human rights
Registration is open for CESR's course "Sin recursos no hay derechos" at the Latin American "School for Activists", organized by our partners ACIJ, Namati & Red de Empoderamiento Jurídico.

CESR and partners call for human rights-aligned global tax reforms
CESR and partners responded to the call for inputs by the UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt with a joint submission that points to the extra-territorial obligations of Global North states on tax governance.

Argentina: CESR highlights human rights implications of sovereign debt
Ahead of the visit to Argentina of the UN Independent Expert on foreign debt, CESR shared insights on how the human rights framework should guide reforms and analysis of the debt crisis in the country.

Data for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
CESR contributes to collective position on data and economic, social and cultural rights.

CESR advocates for rights-based recovery from pandemic
CESR strategized with ESCR-net allies on how human rights law can guide a just recovery from COVID-19

Fighting back against pandemic austerity
Our team joined a research-based conversation, organized by DAWN, and explored the links between the Rights-Based Economy and a feminist recovery from COVID.

UN: Countries blocking the TRIPS waiver guilty of racial discrimination
After a complaint submitted by CESR and allies, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) called out Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and the US for violating international law and replicating colonial hierarchies by blocking access to COVID vaccine and treatment technologies.

Exploring the links between sovereign debt and human rights in Latin America
The Initiative for Human Rights in Fiscal Policy held a workshop on Argentina’s public debt and its relationship to human rights.

A farewell note of thanks and hope
Our leaving Executive Director Ignacio Saiz says goodbye to the CESR community with a parting note.