News and Events
Showing 361 to 390 of 445 results

Elections in Guatemala: condemned to repeat history?
Jorge Santos looks forward to next Sunday's presidential elections and voices concerns over what the outcome may mean for normal people.

CESR signs civil society letter to UN Secretary General calling for dialogue on post-2015 development framework
CESR has joined the Beyond-2015 campaign's letter addressing the UN Secretary General.

MDG failures prove need for a new rights-based development agenda
The slow pace of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, revealed in a newly-released UN report, demonstrates the need for a more ambitious and rights-based agenda to end global poverty.

African Commission's Decision
At its 30th Ordinary Session held in Banjul, The Gambia from 13th to 27th October 2001, the African Commission examined the above mentioned communication and found the Federal Republic of Nigeria in violation of Articles 2, 4, 14, 16, 18(1), 21 and 24 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.

Nigeria: petition to African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
In March 1996, CESR and SERAC jointly submitted a legal communication to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.

MMSD Human Rights Critique on Mining Practices
Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Report, March 2003

Gaps in corporate accountability need greater attention, civil society groups say
A coalition of civil society groups urges the UN to implement stronger international protections against corporate human rights abuses.

CESR joins statement to Human Rights Council on Syria
In February 2012, CESR added its signature to those of ANND and CIVICUS in a statement to the Human Rights Council regarding Syria.

Civil society groups call on UN Secretary-General to promote accountability on women's and children's health
A joint response to a UN report by civil society organizations, including CESR, stresses accountability within a human rights framework.

Human Rights Essential to Human Development in Least-Developed Countries
A new goal to halve the number of least-developed countries by 2022 can only succeed if it is grounded within a genuine framework of human rights.

David vs Goliath in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Oil giant Chevron is ordered to pay US$9 billion compensation for the environmental and health impacts of oil contamination in the Amazon. CESR Co-founder Chris Jochnick reflects on the judgment.

100 Years of International Women's Day
Women should have access to education, to jobs, to land and to resources, not only because it is good for the economy, but because 'like men' they are entitled to these fundamental rights.

Local justice in Ecuador advances global struggle for corporate accountability
Oil giant Chevron is ordered to pay US$9 billion compensation for the environmental and health impacts of oil contamination in the Amazon.

Civil Society Organizations Call on UN Women to Prioritize Economic and Social Rights
New UN agency will direct UN activities on gender equality and empowerment of women and girls.

Human Rights and Development: Taking Stock, Moving Forward
In September 2010, immediately following the UN MDG review summit, CESR joined forces with Realizing Rights to reflect on longer-term strategies for transforming the dominant development paradigm through human rights advocacy. Post-MDG 2010 review summit meeting organized by Realizing Rights and CESR

Disparities Underlie Calls for Change
Disparities between youth and adults, and between men and women, especially in health, education and labor rights, reveal much.

Defining Business Respect For and Protection of Human Rights
NGOs respond to a new UN framework on business and human rights.

CESR condemns assault, coercion and threats of human rights workers and journalists in Egypt
Crackdown campaign betrays an apparent attempt to stifle the flow of information, silence independent reporting and to eliminate potential witnesses to further government repressions that may occur in the coming days.

CESR at the UN: the United States' human rights obligations (video).
The obligation of every government is to protect, respect, and fulfill economic and social rights. Watch CESR's comments and those of our allies about the United States' responsibilities.

Rolling back economic and social rights to aid the banks?
Should Ireland cut the protection of economic and social rights to finance this deficit? And who is bearing the burden of these cuts?

Climate Change And Human Rights: Will Cancun Deliver?
As countries converge on Cancun this week for the 2010 UN Climate Change Conference, can it deliver what Copenhagen could not? Including human rights can help bring climate justice to the center of negotiations.

Time for the G20 to be global leaders where it counts
As the G20 convenes this week in Seoul, will the world's most powerful leaders take their human rights obligations into consideration as they convene to discuss the global economy?

US Must Not Betray Freedom from Want
Call comes as the United Nations issues 228 recommendations to the United States on human rights improvement.

Human Rights Groups Urge the United States to Place Greater Focus on Achieving Freedom from Want
Call Comes as the United States Appears Before the United Nations to Report on Human Rights Compliance.

CESR to co-host event on U.S. human rights record at the UN
November 5 in Geneva: "Building Foundations for Freedom from Want in the Land of Plenty"

UNESCO Suspends Dictator Prize After Global Protest
CESR and its partners welcomed UNESCO's decision today to suspend, indefinitely, the prize funded by and named after President Obiang of Equatorial Guinea.

Spain First to Ratify New UN Protocol on ESCR
CESR and allies welcome Spain's ratification of the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR.

Building a Global Partnership for Development through MDG 8
MDG 8 sets a wide range of targets on trade, aid, debt and increasing access to new technologies and essential medicines. However, a review of progress on consolidating a global partnership reveals worrying trends about rich countries' commitment to the attainment of the MDGs.

Message to UN General Assembly: "Don't forget human rights in achieving the Millennium Goals"
Top independent human rights experts call on world leaders attending next week's UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals "to be guided by human rights."

A millennium promise, 10 years later
CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz says that the Millennium Declaration and the eight development goals that flowed from it risk going down in history as the most important promise never kept.