Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results

Watch: For a Gender Transformative Digital New Deal
CESR and allies discuss a common agenda for a gender-transformative digital new deal at CSW 67.

Joint submission to a report by the High Commissioner for Human Rights on civil society space in multilateral institutions
Submission available in pdf format here

Joint Submission to the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on development and the enjoyment of human rights by all
Joint submission by CESR; ATD Fourth World; The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Franciscans International to the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee informing a study on development and the enjoyment of all human rights.

Seminar report: 'New Horizons in Economic and Social Rights Monitoring'
A new CESR publication brings together the expertise of over 40 leading figures in confronting the challenges of economic and social rights monitoring.

New international working group on ESCR monitoring
A new working group has been formed within the International Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to promote innovative tools and techniques for ESC rights monitoring and foster mutual learning about their use.

Key Background Readings on ESC Rights
Learn even more! Here you can find a list of key readings on ESC rights.

CESR's Manual on the International Covenant on ESC Rights
This manual written for CESR and Sri Lanka's Law Society Trust gives a detailed introduction to the Covenant and on how to report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights - a Guide to the Legal Framework
In recent years there has been a surge of interest in economic, social and cultural rights and more generally in the intersection of economic development and human rights.
A new frontier in economic and social rights advocacy?
Developing rigorous monitoring tools has been an uphill battle for those working on advancing economic and social rights. CESR offers a contribution to that ongoing work with this new publication.