Case studies
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results

The right to health of miners in Botswana
This brief case study examines the use of OPERA, CESR’s research framework, to assess the right to health of miners and ex-miners in Botswana.

OPERA in Practice: Silenced Minds - The Systemic Neglect of Mental Health in Kenya
CESR and partners used OPERA to monitor the government's fulfillment of the right to mental health.

OPERA in Practice: Defending Reproductive Rights of Angolan Women
CESR and partners' submission to CEDAW about women's reproductive rights in Angola.

OPERA in Practice: Human Rights in Ireland's Economic Meltdown
CESR analyzed Ireland’s economic crisis and subsequent austerity policies.

OPERA in Practice: Visibilizing Rights in Post-Revolutionary Egypt
CESR compiled a factsheet as a snapshot illustrating rights realization in Egypt in 2013.

Assessing public policies from a human rights perspective: case study Guatemala
This case study explains how the OPERA methodology was deployed to to assess Guatemala’s compliance with its human rights commitments.

Case studies, Essays, Publications
Documenting the Global Recession: Crisis and Opportunity
New publication of photographs highlights human rights during times of economic crisis.

Ecuador Case Study
Case study on the state of economic, social and cultural rights in Ecuador, 1999.